The movie will reunite Harington and Madden, who played Jon Snow and Robb Stark in Game of Thrones. However, he becomes sword-wielding hero Black Knight in the comics, so maybe the company is just keeping that quiet. The character descriptions are from Marvel's official synopsis - poor Dane Whitman is apparently too boring for any hype.
The team stares into the distance in the movie's second poster. In our CNET review, Mike Sorrentino said he appreciates that the movie 'takes a creative risk with its time-jumping events,' but 'its convoluted plot ultimately lets it down.' Eternals cast The critical reception has been mixed so far, with a 47% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of Thursday.
We have spoiler-filled explainers for these and the movie's ending, if you're so inclined. +65 More Does Eternals have any post-credits scenes?